Fiber Arts Friday: New Addiction

29 Jan

So I’ve decided to do a new weekly feature called “Fiber Arts Friday.” I’ll be joining up with other fiber artists through Wonder Why Alpaca Farm and blogging at least once per week on all my fiber arty pursuits.

So, let’s see, what have I been up to this week in the fiber arts? Well, first of all, I’ve teamed up with Squibstitcher and others on her Ravelry group to make a charity blanket out of Fresh from the Cauldron yarn squares for Project Linus. (Was that enough links in one sentence for you?). I crocheted the first square from the leftover ball I had from my OOAK Maelstrom colorway sock yarn. Here it is:

Project Linus Square #1

The only problem is that I ran out of yarn before reaching the 12″ size requirement (this one is about 9″). So I’ll be using my Claudine colorway sock yarn to make a border to add the needed 3″. I’m also making a 2nd square out of my Eric Northman sock yarn, but I will post pictures of that in next Friday’s post b/c it’s not finished yet.

Yesterday I ordered more undyed yarns, so I should have some new handpainted yarns to showcase soon.

This past week I also joined the Phat Fiber group. It was a great idea, I think, because I’ll be sending in samples of my yarns for the Phat Fiber Boxes every month, and hopefully get the word out about my shop that way. Unfortunately, looking at all the samples from past boxes and getting to know the other shop owners has enabled me right into a new addiction: spinning!

The point of the Phat Fiber box is that you can buy a box that will be full of small samples from a variety of fiber artists and related materials. So you can buy a stitches box (full of yarns and goodies), a fluff box (full of spinning fibers and goodies) or a combo box (full of both yarn and fibers and goodies). As a contributor, I’ll get a free box if I send in 50 samples, so I’m really looking forward to that! Anyhoo, seeing the pictures from past boxes and the cool fluff samples they’ve spun has inspired me to get out my drop spindle. You may not remember, but I blogged about getting awesome loot in a Ravelry swap last year. Included in that awesome loot was a drop spindle and some gorgeous bamboo fiber. I haven’t touched either one since getting the box, b/c I just didn’t know how to find the time for a new hobby.

Well, I don’t have any more time now than I had then, really, but belonging to the Phat Fiber group on Ravelry has really pushed me over the edge for spinning. My drop spindle is literally calling to me now, aided by a sample of purple sparkly spinning fiber I got as a freebie in my order from Pamelamc34’s Etsy shop. Look at them:

"Jess, you know you want to learn to spin all this sparkly goodness!"

Darn enabling sparkly fiber. You know I can’ t resist you; you’re purple AND glittery. What’s a girl to do?

Watch for a post on my first handspun attempt for next Fiber Friday! As soon as I finish these charity squares, I have a date with a drop spindle.

6 Responses to “Fiber Arts Friday: New Addiction”

  1. Holly January 29, 2010 at 10:37 pm #

    I just started Fiber Arts Friday too!

    I love your square, even if you are a little short!

    • jessecreations January 29, 2010 at 10:49 pm #

      Thanks! I read your post, too. I wish I could find a knit group in my area, but it seems like I have a hard time finding time to go to one with three kiddos at home, you know? Plus, the evening ones meet on weeknights when I have stuff to do to get everybody ready for school the next day, etc. And my youngest is still nursing, so I’d have to take him with me and I think that might defeat the purpose. 🙂 Maybe some day, though!

      Jessica Cook Visit my blog at

  2. Kate January 29, 2010 at 11:27 pm #

    Welcome to Fiber Arts Friday! It’s so much fun.
    And welcome to the spinning addiction.

  3. dutchhollow January 29, 2010 at 11:52 pm #

    Ooo I love the purple sparkle stuff. I too am enjoy spinning with my drop spindle. Mainly because it’s the only method of spinning that I have! LOL Thanks for the inspiration to get spinning again.

  4. WonderWhyGal January 30, 2010 at 8:46 am #

    I love the square and that you add more to make the 12 inch. I am being told that the fact that I’m already attempting to modify projects is a sign of a true knitter.

    As for spinning…that purple looks delicious. Bamboo is slick even when spinning on the wheel. What did they blend it with. Be patient since it does draft differently than other fibers but I’ve enjoyed spinning the slicker “fluff” on my spindle -v-wheel. Can’t wait to read about your adventure.

    I’ve thought about Phat Fiber. Once I get my farm “under control” haha, I would love to play with samplers. Enjoy.

  5. Melissa January 30, 2010 at 10:13 am #

    Oooooh. I’m lovin the purple sparkly fiber too.

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